Veronika Horvath - Awaiting

Veronika Horvath: realities to discover

24.07.2014 – Veronika Horvath is Hungarian; born in Budapest thirty-nine years ago, non-professional photographer now involved in an important professional development path in photography, among the many awards received for her pictures – deeply inspiring emotion for the warmth, the spontaneity and the clarity of the particular – Veronika won ‘Urban 2013 dotART’ with her picture, ‘Awaiting’. Veronika has been in Trieste as guest of the contest. [versione in italiano]

Veronika HorvathVeronika, how did you start in this world of photography? Is it a childhood passion or did it came later?

It all started at my early twenties and I am thirty-nine now. I was self-taught and this was always (just) my hobby. But it all changed two years ago. This is when I  took my first photography class.  It very much inspired me and I realized how much more there is to explore. Since then I completed a photojournalism school in Hungary and right now I am enrolled into a 3 year long photography school where I got accepted with a scholarship to second year. So the last two years been very busy for me.

 Where do you live?

I live in Budapest, and this is where I was born. The place that was really important to me from this point of view was Baltimore where I have lived for 8 years. I took graphic design classes at MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art) and also worked there as a graphic designer at an architecture design company. This is when I believe I  learned a different way of seeing.



Did you start with digital camera directly, or did you have some experience with film camera too?

I started with digital and just recently exploring film.

What camera do you use?

Canon 6D with three fix lenses – 35mm, 50mm, 85mm. I hardly use zoom lenses. Just recently updated my Nikon D40 with this camera, I have used D40 for a very long time – I felt very limited by my previous gear towards the end, that was when I switched. I also have a Fuji X100s that I carry with me on most days.

Veronika Horvath - FestivalDo you prefer color or black and white pictures? And why?

Probably color but it really depends on the theme and the message of the project. Recently working on a documentary in one of the worst districts of Budapest – and even with these pictures I do post production in color.

Is instinct more important than rules, or do you believe technical knowledge to be necessary too?

I believe that technical knowledge is so important that you should get to the point where you do not have to think about it anymore – then you can freely use your instinct not limited but supported by your technical knowledge.

Is photography an Art?

Of course it can be, a very important one.

What do you think about Photoshop, post-production and correction?

What happens after the image after you take it is very important. The name has changed from dark room to Photoshop but it serves the same purpose. Everyone can decide on the amount of post processing they do on their images – I think less is more, and can be more tasteful.

How do you choose your subjects?

Usually I have a few ongoing projects in my mind that I am working on. Cannot really explain the process of choosing my subjects – it usually starts with something that is very important for me personally. Or I can get an assignment in school that I would take into a direction that expresses most what I have in my mind and the way I feel about that theme.

Veronika Horvath Urban 2013 dotARTIs imitation good? Do you accept photography inspired to other’s work or do you think that it must always be original?

I think there is a difference in between imitating someone’s work and getting inspired. There are plenty of others things besides photographs/photographers that can inspire me. My main inspiration is music and the people around me, mostly my friends.

Looking at yourself: who are you, in our world of photography?

Right now I feel that I am torn in between two things: make a living as a wedding, lifestyle, portrait photographer and working on my own photography projects.  These are the ones I usually submit into competitions and also just recently got asked to present my pictures at a photo festival. Having a completely different daytime job doesn’t allow me to spend the amount of time I would love to on my own projects.

Roberto Srelz © centoParole Magazine – contents are copyrighted (respective owners)


dotART: the Urban photo contest philosophy 

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